Tip of the week: Re-open closed tickets

Existing users of Helpdesk Pilot may be aware of a setting in the older versions, which allowed you to set whether a closed ticket should be re-opened, when a customer replies to it. This was particularly useful, not to lose track of closed tickets, especially if the option to hide closed tickets in the ‘All’ view was enabled. 

On the other hand, you might not have always wanted to re-open closed tickets. Consider a situation where your staff closes a ticket after responding to the customer with a resolution. The customer then replies with a Thank you message, thus re-opening the ticket.

In V5, Helpdesk Pilot does not have both of these options(yet). However, with the all powerful Smart Rules you can have the setting to re-open closed tickets on customer reply simulated.

Go ahead and set a rule with the conditions, 

If Status is Closed and If Time since unresponded customer reply is 1 minute (the least interval possible), then, Set Status to Open (as shown in the screenshot below)


This will ensure that tickets which have been closed, reopen after a minute of a customer’s reply. 

What other Smart rules do you use? Let us know.