Helpdesk Pilot 2.5.0 ready for release

Helpdesk Pilot 2.5.0 is ready for prime time.


We would be releasing Helpdesk Pilot 2.5.0 this thursday (26-April-2007). We are excited. Helpdesk Pilot 2.5.0 is one of the most aggressively developed versions with lots of new features added in a short span of time. Click here to read Helpdesk Pilot change log.Over the week – we would be showcasing few of the new features with detailed description and usage – so be sure to subscribe to the rss feed or subscribe for updates via email.



  1. A feature that would have a field to list people who need to be notified when a ticket is assigned would be helpful.

  2. A feature that would have a field to list people who need to be notified when a ticket is assigned would be helpful.-MaTT

  3. A RSS feed to the ticket system would be helpful.-MaTT

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