Brand your help desk

Did you know that Helpdesk Pilot is made up of two separate web interfaces?

1. The Staff interface, which your help desk staff would use to view and respond to tickets

2. The End User interface, which your end users/customers would use to submit new tickets and view responses to tickets they’ve raised in the past

Given the ability to customize the request submission forms for each of your categories, the end user interface serves as a comprehensive ticket management portal and represents your help desk’s online image.

With that in mind, we’re sure you’d want your end users to have the comfort of knowing that they’re on familiar ground when they access your help desk. A standard feature on Helpdesk Pilot allows you to upload your corporate logo and brand the help desk in your name.


If you’re currently evaluating Helpdesk Pilot by way of our free trial, you can brand the staff & end user interfaces right away! Navigate to the General Settings page (within the Manage tab) to get started!

Yet another step in ensuring your help desk reflects your corporate image!